CR: Enough tomfoolery. Let’s just get on with it.

You couldn’t agree more with your inner voice. Time to re-establish the situation.

You pull out the enchanted map and check where you are. Apparently you are 10 levels underground, at the cleansing lake. The reason it is dubbed that is because the mountain itself uses it to clean stuff. Dead monsters, lost tools from us, even pieces of the giant dirtblock itself, all end up here at some point. Then a bunch of creatures and monsters come to scavenge the goods. Rinse, repeat. Curiously, there’s two dots for you, instead of one. The other must be Knight… Even the map see’s him as me.

There are two ways out, one leads to an elevator, the other leads to… The door.

You gulp loudly at the thought of it.

KT: “Ooooh what’s that? A treasure map? Have you already found the treasure?

CR: “It’s just a map of the area, Knight. Nothing to worry about.”

KT: “Oh okay.”


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