CR: Examine deadbeat poster.

Okay I need to… Calm down. This isn’t the creepiest thing she has done. And if push comes to shove, you can easily beat her. Best if you just distracted yourself with something.

Oh hey, Emerl’s poster for the long gone show of Deadbeat: The Musical!!

It was apparently a show about a monochrome dressed as some kind of street dweller, who was trying to get some kind of citrus fruit computer, or something. All one long elaborate dance and song number. You heard it was supposed to be pretty good, but you really don’t know. Musicals ain’t really your thing.

Some say the reason it exists is because some of the writers peered through the universe, seeing the “imprint of the multiverse” and through that figuring out a story that is real somewhere out there but, blah! Hogwash! It’s just a show.

The most successful musical ever produced in Monochrome history, but still just a show.

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