CR: What’s in the box?

You take out the contents of the box! There was exactly three (3) sandwiches with cheese and lettuce and three (3) bottles of fresh clear water! Yesss, one of dad’s signature lunchboxes!

CR: “Oh man, it’s been a while since I have eaten some of dad’s boxed lunch!”

KT: “…It just looks like boring sandwiches and water.”

CR: “Yes, but it’s the thought that counts!”

You decide to stuff the items into your Statusventor-GOOD LORD! It’s all crooked! What happened here?! It seems that Knight’s forceful entrance even bugged over your view of your Statusventory!.. Speaking of bugged, you are missing some items. Maybe Emerl emptied some of it out when she took your dustguard to repair it? Damnit, you TOLD her to stay away from her stuff!

KT: “Wait, is this it? Just some boring lunch? Isn’t there more in this lousy box?!”

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