>:They dont look that tough. RUSH THEM!!

The first scout squad moves away, while the other closes in!

“We are rushing them men! ATTAAACK!”

Sclawous deals 1 damage to the Gal Swordsman!

Both Gal Swordsmen are dealt 2 damage!

“Wait, i can’t keep fighting? What is this? I barely scratched those cretins!”

“Lord Sclawous, combat on this world is done in turns! Care for me to explain how it works sir?”

“Yes! Tell me, I must know why i can’t just shove my claw in their faces!”

“Combat is handled in an easy way: The Luck Marbles of yore are rolled with every attack we do, and likewise with the attack our foes do. Then the numbers from the marbles are compared, and if the number of our foes roll is larger than our roll, the foe blocks the damage! If ours are larger though, we move on to defense, as another Luck Marble is rolled for defense! If the foe rolls a larger number than one of our attacks, it blocks said attack. If the foe doesn’t have enough defense points to block out all our attacks, those attacks automatically hit.”

“That… Seems very confusing! Uh…”

“Do you want it explained in more detail, or should we let our foe attack now?”

“Wait, let attack? You actually end your “turn” with a thought?… !!! I can actually feel that command in my head! Impossible! This world i whack!”

“This is how it’s always been here sir. Some say a god of numbers rule over our world, and that outside it things work much differently! Now, should i explain it in more detail?”

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