

It seems that Al the Alarm Robot can’t see a damn down here. Now, you are not really that familiar with machinery, but you know how an eye is supposed to work. You guess this place is actually completely covered in darkness, but because you see with your nose you see everything perfectly. Hey, theres a good thing about being blind! No worries about darkness!

Still, Al needs to be calmed down.


>Al: Accidentally jump in pot when MM goes to fuse his clothes with something and become… an Alarm Hat.
>Al: Accidentally jump in pot when MM goes to fuse the sandstone with something and become… a small Sandtech Golem. 

>Al: Accidentally jump in pot when MM goes to fuse the sandstone with something and become… a small Sandtech Golem. 
^I like this one 😀

He would just fall apart if he had sand for a chassis.

If Al falls in the pot, toss in your suit that you’re not wearing. Either make intelligent electronic clothing or a dapperbot.

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