
As stated before, you are Marshall Mathers.

You are an apprentice Item Crafter, and have recently passed the novice exam. You are in your basic apprentice quarters, and is aching to go. You may be blind, but your superhuman ability of smell can keep you on your toes! To your left is the Creation Cauldron, used to fusion new items. To your right is your Teleportal, used to access the locations in the world of Hephaestus. The items you have equipped are: 1 Blind man’s walking stick. 1 Nice suit. 1 Nice tie. 1 Nice shirt. 1 Nice pair of pants. 1 nice pair of boots. Your Inventory is empty.

Your whole suit is the Nice Apprentice Suit, given to you by your master.

Now, what do you do, Marshall?

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