
A whole ton of Spuds realize their names and purposes!

One of the male Spuds have decided that it’s name is Sam, and it will aspire to be a Gunslinger!

One of the female Spuds have decided that it’s name is Jean, and it will aspire to be a Scout!

One of the female Spuds have decided that it’s name is Katy, and it will aspire to be a Musician!

One of the female Spuds have decided that it’s name is Rosalyn, and it will aspire to be a Childsitter!

One of the female Spuds have decided that it’s name is Lin, and it will aspire to be a Farmer!

One of the female Spuds have decided that it’s name is Rebecca, and it will aspire to be a Miner!

The Smith has always been known as Russ.

The Carpenter has always been known as Doug.

Jack and Chuck both proceed along with their harvesting processes. 3/2 turns left.

The male Spud finishes the hole, though it is a little sloppy.

Magnus tries to ignite some wood for some torches, but they have no wood yet.

The single female Spud with no name is slightly distraught about not having found a name yet.


Jean the scout should go explore Westward to see how large our foresty area is. Also male Spud you can make a better fire pit then that. Do it better :p

When wood arrives make several torches but for now just start juggling fireballs to raise morale. Maybe try to get an apprentice pyromancer.

Last Spud> Whatever your name is (If nobody else comes up with a better one, it’s Sarah), at the very least be an Engineer.

@Sam: DAMMIT I shoulda been more clear – Sam’s a gunslinging arachnophobic *hero*…

Rosalyn since there is no children to babysit. Why not go make some mud bricks using the dirt that came from the fire pit excavation.

Keeping my comments together. Summer why don’t you set up areas that the other spuds will build the foundations of houses at. Fred the Fisherman go look and see if you can spot fish. Sam the Future Blackguard guard Jean while she scouts. 

Because I’m am a derp and didn’t put this in one of the other comments. Can we have a list of what the spuds aspire to be? 

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