
One of the male Spuds have decided that it’s name is John, and it will aspire to be a Digger!

One of the female Spuds have decided that it’s name is Hannah, and it will aspire to be a Builder!

Jack and Chuck continue their work. 2/1 turns.

Summer is trying to think up some neat plans for buildings, but she might need to speak to a builder before mastering that.

Magnus is rightly ticked off that someone suggested she should use her power for simple “parlor tricks”. She is burning with rage… Literally!

Jean the scout moves eastward to scout out the area. She encounters another giant rock, some more forest, a weird blue crystal and some… Floating octopii? Floactopii? Lets go with that.

(Here’s your list. Also, new rule: One command post per person. You can still make more commands in a single post, but don’t post several times.)



Kor: Move over and try to figure out if those octo-thingies are hostile. Assume they are, and if any of them move to attack, run away.

If they don’t attack, claim the crystal.

rebecca keep going
russ, back up a little, you may know heat but you don’t want to be on fire.

magnus, think they ment just play around with your powers, have fun with them. not tricks.

>Summer: Consult with Hannah, specifically thinking of some sort if school, or maybe a rock-refining structure. Ooh! Or a small apartment building!
>Kor: Take Magnus with you to get rid of those floactopodes, so you can properly claim that Mage Crystal!
>Author: Isn’t TATO the death one and MAGNUS the fire one?

>John work on early irrigation system for a farm. 
>Tato move up a little bit
>Lin tell John where to work.
>Russ & Doug confer with Hannah & Summer to set up your workstations
>Katy humm something and entertain the other spuds?
Also thanks for the the nice and useful chart.

Jack and Rebecca should swap out…

Then, Jack, Hannah, and Summer should collaborate on designing some buildings.  John could help break ground.

Alternatively, Jack and Hannah could design on their own while John, Lin, and Summer try to find an optimum spot to farm

…Kor, Sam, Katy, Rosalyn, Slate, Rebecca, Russ, Doug, Tato, and Magnus are idling…

…perhaps have all Normal Spuds who are idle try foraging for something?

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