>:Repair the walls!

First, the HUD makes inventory of what items are in the Spoils of War.

The Walls are repaired, boosting the fortress to a level 1 fortress! Congratulations! The suggestion of Air Cannons has been added as a building.

In a blast of masonamancy, the entire fortress upgrades itself!

“Ok that… That was freaking beautiful! Look at our precious fortress Grotch! We will rule the WORLD with this place someday!”

“And we will be right behind you sir! Heheeh!”

The fortress then fires off some blasts of fireworks, making weird signals in the sky.

“Grotch, what is it doing?”

“At last! it is signalling for a Faction Color, and a Faction Insignia of Power! We must now choose an icon and a color that will be ours!”

“Sweet! Now, what to decide on…”

The Fortress Stats tab opens again, revealing a new layout, and a complete lack of means to upgrading the fortress a second time. Two buildings has been added as templates, Farms and a Magi Tower.

“Humm. Something is missing, but it might just pop up when we choose our color and icon! oh, that reminds me:”

Sclawous moves some troops together and assigns them as Green Squad.

“Green Squad! Go check out the Dungeon! We need a basic Status report!”

“Sir yes sir!”

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