
Rebecca quickly takes over and continues the work that Jack was doing. What, did you expect the rock to revert to normal? This isn’t some sort of simulation! Tato moves up a little.

John and Lin start working on an irrigation system, as she tells him how it should work.

Fred WANTS to fish, but as Spuds just clump up and die in water, he would need some sort of pole.

Jack comes eye to eye with Slate, they share a few profanities and seem… Friendlier with each other? Maybe?

Russ, Hannah and Summer are working on plans for construction. They might come to a conclusion soon, if they would stop confusing each other.

Rosalyn and Sam are joyed by the tune Katy is whistling. For now, that must do for an instrument.

Doug and Chuck get the tree down and starts to refine it into useful lumber. 2 Turns.

Kor, gathering up Magnus, goes to check out these Floactopii that Jean has been shouting about.

The Floactopii seem rustled, like they are jimmying for a fight!

Magnus challenges the floating cephalopods! Jean and Kor are dragged into the confrontation!

Magnus lobs a fireball their way, as the others flank out. Kor and Jean are tense.

The battle continues…


normal spuds near magnus, spread around and just hold them off of her so she can kill them.
sumner hannah russ, settle differences and think up multiple designs.

rebecca, you go girl~

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